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Finalist for 2nd Annual Women In Their Infinite Forms Contest

Finalist for 2nd Annual Women In Their Infinite Forms Contest

Dr. S. L. Yang was chosen as one of the 10 final winners of Athena Project Arts’ 2nd Annual “Women In Their Infinite Forms” contest!  The contest entailed interpreting the theme “Women In Their Infinite Forms” using a mannequin head.

Dr. Yang’s description of her creation is found hereafter:

Women in their infinite forms encompass five beautiful and biblically based aspects, which are wonderfully presented by B. Mouser in her study “5 Aspects of Woman.”  These five aspects are: Mistresses of Their Domains, Helper-Completers, Lifegivers, Wisdom, and Glory of Men.  In the beginning, God gave the first man and woman the World Mandate: be fruitful, subdue, and rule (Genesis 1:26-28).  Every woman has her own domain to manage, maintain, and in which to produce abundantly.  The crown symbolizes the Mistress of Her Domain aspect.  Second, in the beginning God gave the first man Adam a help mate, whom Adam called “woman” (Genesis 2:18-24).  Women naturally help and complete men – not only in their households but in their larger communities.  The open hand on the cheek symbolizes the Helper-Completer aspect.  Third, from the wombs of women new life is brought forth (Genesis 3:14-16).  The second name given to woman is Eve, which means “life” in Hebrew (Genesis 3:20).  Women give life physically through the birthing process and bring spiritual life into their families and communities.  The baby on the cheek symbolizes the Lifegiver aspect.  Fourth, Wisdom is personified in the Bible as a lady who should be sought after in order to gain knowledge and understanding, and she is described as more precious than jewels and rubies (Proverbs 3:15, 8:11).  Just like Wisdom, women provide knowledge and understanding in society as they invite, reprove, teach, and counsel.  Women are valuable like jewels when they abide by standards of excellence.  The scroll and jewels represent the Wisdom aspect.  Lastly, while both men and women can glorify God, the hierarchy of man as the head of woman gives women the added privilege to also glorify men (1 Corinthians 11:3-7).  Being covered and adorned, including having long hair, is a glory specific to women (1 Corinthians 11:15).  The iridescent hair and the veil as an adornment and covering represent the Glory of Man aspect.  The veil further portrays the woman as a bride, which beautifully parallels the Church being the Bride of Christ.  Women are designed to rule over their domains, help and complete others, give life, be excellent and wise, and glorify God and men.  These five biblical aspects of women – Mistresses of Their Domains, Helper-Completers, Lifegivers, Wisdom, and Glory of Men – represent women in their infinite forms.

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